We’ve all heard the phrase, “Think with your brain, not your heart” or vice versa. Which, to my understanding, means my brain and heart feel separate things.
Okay, fine. Understood.
But hold up…
Now why does my soul have to have its own set of feelings too?! Because I swear my brain, my heart, and my soul are all feeling completely different things. Any other body parts wanna join this chaos? Now’s the time. I swear, if something else shows up later with its own set of emotions, I’m gonna lose it for real.
Right now: my mind is blank, my heart is happy, and my soul feels guilty. WTF am I supposed to interprete of that?! Let’s ask ChatGPT what he thinks. (Yes, my ChatGPT identifies as a male.)
This is what he says:
“That’s a potent cocktail of emotions. It’s like your mind is giving you space to feel everything else deeply. Happiness in your heart might be something pure and simple, but guilt in your soul hints at a conflict—maybe between who you are and who you think you should be. Feel it all. You don’t have to fix it right now. Sometimes just letting yourself sit with the contradictions is the most human thing you can do.”
Sit with the contradictions. ChatGPT thinks I should marinate in this cocktail of emotions and turn into a pickle. Sigh.
So, what’s my plan now? Not to sit and marinate, that’s for sure. I wanna dive headfirst into myself and figure out why each of my organs—or my spiritual essence—is feeling the way it is. Let’s start with my most active organ since birth: my heart.
The Heart
The heart…the place where we say love comes from. And, as we all know, love is blind. So, I’m guessing the heart isn’t the greatest at making decisions. Basically, your heart wants what it wants. Like a child.
Regardless of the risks or consequences, a child wants what a child wants. And when you don’t give it to them? Behold: tantrums.
But here’s the thing, getting your heart what it wants? It feels so good. Like, “I have everything I’ve ever wanted in the world” good. In that moment. And it doesn’t matter if it’s all going to crash and burn later or bring about the end of the world. You got what your heart wanted, and you’re silly happy.
The Mind
Then comes your mind. “Dun dun daaaa!”
Mister Serious. Mister Logical Pants. Mister “I know better than you do.” Mister Superior. (Yeah, I think you get the point.)
Well, Hello, mind. Welcome to the chat. We all know the mind is like the voice of parents, teachers, friends, siblings, bosses—basically, anyone who’s shamed you into doing the “right” thing. And you hate listening to them, even though they actually make good points. and now all you wanna do is rebel against what they said.
You hate that the mind is usually right. It doesn’t care if you’re happy or not—it only cares about logic. It analyzes pros and cons, runs through risks, and overthinks every single scenario for no reason whatsoever. And you hate it. It’s so much work. Like, ugh, can’t we just go with the heart on this one?
But no. It’s a battle: Heart vs. Mind.
We all pick sides depending on the day. Some days, the heart wins with a FTW attitude. Other days, the mind wins with a “Time to get my shit together” mood.
The Soul
Now, who is this third thing, feeling things too? Enter Mister Spiritual. Mister “I can’t see you.” Mister “Oh, I’m so holy.”
Welcome to the chat, soul. What do you want now?
The soul is kind of like your inner compass. It’s not about risks, pros and cons, or happiness. It’s either pointing toward light, peace, and good vibes, or it’s sinking into darkness, guilt, and bad energy.
Sometimes, your heart doesn’t know what it wants. Your mind is a chaotic mess, overthinking everything. And your soul? It’s lost and drowning in darkness. That’s when you’re just…done.
Other times, your heart wants something, your mind thinks otherwise, but your soul feels good about it. That’s when you know, “Okay, I’m making the right decision.”
The Trio
Basically, we need all three; heart, mind, and soul…to make choices in life. But it’s not an easy battle. What feels like a quick decision is actually a full on Fellowship of the ring vs Orcs kinda war between these three.
Whatever you do, sometimes sitting in the chaos and contemplating what each of these parts wants can help you navigate what your going through to some extent.
Huh. Who would’ve thought ChatGPT had a point after all?
Because, in the end, it’s not about keeping your heart happy or your mind happy…it’s about making sure your soul is in the right place and feels good.
Alright, I’m off to go lie on the floor of my room, stare at the ceiling, and have a deep chat with my internal parts. Ciao.